Regulatory Advice

The Electricity Sector has seen extensive changes in the level of oversight and regulation governing the operation of LDCs over the last decade. The principals of DPM Energy have kept abreast of these changes and have been actively involved with the evolution of the regulations. We have an in-depth knowledge of many of the Ontario Energy Boards regulations governing Distribution Systems, including:

  • Distribution Systems Code governing the day to day operations of the LDCs

  • Regulations governing Connections and Expansions

  • Conditions of Service for most Ontario LDCs

  • Offer to Connects

DPM’s experience has solidified its reputation over the years as a fair-minded professional organization. We are well respected by LDCs across the province for our regulatory knowledge. We have appeared before Ontario Energy Board staff on many occasions in a consulting capacity, and we have been instrumental in the writing of second generation regulations governing new connections.