COVID 19 Lessons Learned

As we have seen over the past year the COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything about the workplace.

These changes have forced us and many businesses alike to adapt and alter numerous traditional practices in the workplace. This time of change has taught us many lessons a few of which we would like to share!

Here are some of the valuable lessons we have learned.

Lesson One: Embrace Technology

Since March of 2020 most of our workforce has been working remote from home. This tremendous change forced us to quickly adapt to a new virtual reality and navigate through a new normal. While working from home we have learned how to embrace and rely on the various technological tools available to us. The abundance of software and platforms have made communication and various other daily tasks more convenient and efficient.

We even discovered a new software that allowed us to create more engaging and enjoyable ways to connect virtually. The implementation of a software called Reactiv allowed us to up our presentations and create a more engaging environment for many of our day-to-day tasks. We successfully used this software to carry out our client event back in November and it was a big hit!

Lesson Two: Importance of Social Interaction

This was one of the biggest changes to adapt to for us at DPM.  Our culture revolves around socialization, gatherings and daily interactions. Once this was taken away from us, we had to quickly pivot and find a way to execute these interactions virtually. We implemented virtual hangouts and happy hours which was a great way to connect with staff outside of working hours.

Over this past year we have learned how imperative it is for our DPM family to have those daily in person interactions. We miss our summer socials, yearly client evets, culture lunches and monthly team meetings. While we have been able to recreate some of these interactions virtually, we cannot wait until we can all be together once again.

Lesson Three: Working Remote is Doable

One key lesson learned is that our business for the most part can be done remotely. This was definitely a cause for concern at the start of the pandemic. Could our business be done virtually? Will this effect productivity? How will our culture be impacted? All very important questions and concerns we faced at the start of this and now with almost a year of remote working we have found our answers.

Not only have we successfully conducted business virtually, kept out culture and team alive but some can also argue that remote working allows for increased productivity. While we have learned that remote work is doable, we have been fortunate enough to have our office open with COVID safety protocols in effect. This has allowed for a hybrid of remote work while also allowing us to use the office for more specific tasks.